Chastity and chastity devices… You think about it all the time. You want it bad. Your cock gets hard if you even look at the word. Chastity. You don’t really know why you want it, or maybe you do know why. You know you can’t say no. You know you can’t deny yourself when it you really think about it. So you need something and someone to say no for you.
You’ve tried again and again to control your cock yourself and just a few months ago, the thought of being all locked up, terrified you! You kept thinking about your hard cock and how you just had to be able to get your hands on it. Then your phone sex Mistress explained things to you and suddenly, it all became so much clearer, especially since you now know that the only way to please her is chastity. And you want to please her by giving over total control of your cock.
First of all, what is a chastity device for? To amuse your mistress? To make you very uncomfortable and put you in a position to be unable to think about anything but your cock without being able to touch it? Those are all happy side effects, but not really why you wear a chastity device. They are worn to do a few things for those who can‘t do it themselves. One is, obviously, to keep you from having sex, then there is making sure you can’t grab it and happily stroke that cock and third, it keeps you from getting an erection as there just simply isn’t room. Oh and of course they keep your Mistress/wife/girlfriend from having to keep an eye on you 24/7.
So, now that it has been decided, either that you want to get a chastity device, or your partner insists on it or your Mistress requires it of you, her submissive; and as I said, you want to please. As you may or may not know, there are a few different types of chastity devices and really the choice depends on a variety of things. So which one to buy? There are many different devices and types that may suit you. There are different things to consider, such as comfort, length of time to be denied orgasm, and how likely you are to try to escape. (a very naughty thing to do that will get you in lots of trouble with a Mistress by the way).
Let start with the oldest, but most uncomfortable of the chastity devices. This is the one just about anyone would picture when thinking of something to use to keep you chaste. It is a Chastity Belt, this is basically locking underwear. Sounds kind of naughty and exciting though doesn’t it? It’s one that can be used if you are male or female, though it isn’t considered one of the more easily worn of the devices.
It is normally metal and the fit is the same as a tight pair of underwear would be, only hard and locks on to keep you from having any fun at all! There is of course a lining for safety and cleanliness to keep the stainless steel from rubbing on your skin. Comfortable – no. Easy to escape from – absolutely not!
Next we have the most common of chastity devices, this is of course just for the men, because we all know that women have better control than you guys anyway *giggle* These are called, tubes, cages, trapped ball devices, and all those are correct. Basically, though every device has it’s differences, each consists of one part into which the limp cock fits, this is either a tube or a cage of some sort; then there is the ring, which fits around the balls “trapping” them and then a locking pin to connect the two parts and keep your cock completely under control.
These can be found in various styles and sizes and much like the chastity belt can be rather uncomfortable, though not as much so anymore. These now come not only in stainless steel, but also a lighter weight plastic. Personally though, plastic is so much lighter and easier for you to escape from, I far prefer locking you up in a metal with your cock in tube. After all the point isn’t for you to be happy, it’s for you to learn control.
Finally we come to the most extreme of the chastity devices and one that I personally wouldn’t call a device, not really. This is piercing and for men is often incorporated with the other devices and best known as a Prince Albert. However where the piercing is determines the level of chastity it involves. This is considered more extreme and is not an option to be considered lightly.
I know you’re even more excited now aren’t you? Because thinking of being under this kind of” target=”_new”>extreme cock control from your Mistress is just what you know you need. Sometimes it takes something extreme and these chastity devices will keep your cock under complete control.